Stephanie Prendeville

People, AI & Transformation Consultant

From her roles as CPO and CHRO, Stephanie is recognised for developing and aligning strategy and the critical processes, procedures and talent imperative to growth. With over 25 years in HR and Development, she has navigated companies through various growth phases, enhancing organisational capabilities across sectors including pharmaceuticals, financial services, and technology.

Before starting her new practice, Stephanie 's work at EY and Bimeda Holdings, among others, transitioned HR from a support function to a strategic partner. Her leadership in global talent development and digital transformation has prepared organisations for the future, balancing technological advancements with human-centric strategies.

Stephanie contributes her expertise as a speaker and facilitator on AI enablement and leadership, advocating for the integration of digital and human resources to drive business success. Holding a Diploma in Artificial Intelligence for Business, she is committed to lifelong learning and professional development.

Her work extends beyond corporate achievements, involving active participation in professional communities and a dedication to optimising performance and wellbeing in the workplace.